
what are ideologies?
Ideologies are a system of beliefs in a culture that are shared patterns and beliefs that guide human interaction and behavior that contribute to the construction of an image's meaning  (Sturken).
What does this mean?
According to the website of Tesla, the shared ideologies perceived by the audience that comes across the website that the shared system of beliefs of Tesla Motors is to transition to sustainable energy through the incorporation of electric vehicles. Tesla Motors is a firm believer in the technological advancements that are held to a higher standard than previous technology. It is a shared belief that Tesla Motors encompasses the capabilities of propelling the technological advancements to make the transition to electric vehicles happen.    

According to the article, these are 17 shared notions about the face of Tesla Motors. Elon Musk radiates the ideology of innovation through everything he does even if it means he loses money. He believes in innovation resulting in the perception that everything with the Tesla logo will also embody innovation. 

On the youtube channel of Tesla is the latest technological advancement in the electric vehicle models. The perceived shared belief that the youtube channel holds the latest technological advancements that Tesla Motors has. 

There are an infinite amount of websites on the internet contribute to shared beliefs of Tesla Motors to the general population that influences the shared system of beliefs of Tesla advertisements.     

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