Myth of Tesla Advertisements

What is myth? 
Myth is how the meanings are formed by hidden sets of rules and conventions that are made to seem universal but in all reality specific to certain groups (Sturken). 

How does myth relate to Tesla advertisements?
  • The denotative meaning of Tesla symbol is the SI unit of the magnetic flux density. 
  • The connotative meaning of Tesla Advertisement symbol represents the history of Tesla Motors, Elon Musk, and innovation. 
What does this mean?
The meaning of Tesla is weighed by the hidden sets of rules and conventions that associate Tesla with innovation. Tesla Motors independently can be perceived as a popular electric vehicle manufacturer. Tesla Motors is associated with Elon Musk, and Elon Musk is associated with SpaceX. The associations create the conventions of Tesla Motors seem universal but only specific with people who know of the issues revolving around Tesla Motors, Elon Musk, and SpaceX.

So what?
The meaning of Tesla Motor shapes the hidden set of rules and conventions that seem universal but are specific to a certain group of Tesla advertisements. It is understood that anything that has a Tesla logo correlates with the relation of Elon Musk and he has an association with SpaceX.  The actual meaning of the Tesla logo is derived from the SI unit of the magnetic flux intervened with the connotative meaning of innovations. It is recognized that anything that is associated with Tesla Motor encompasses the notion of innovation but the assumption may only be valid in the United States not worldwide. The myth of  Tesla Motors reflects in its advertisements by creating meaning that applies to a specific group of people that can afford the transition.

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