Tesla Motor Representation through their Advertisements

Representation is..... 

Representation in visual culture is the use of language and image to create meaning about the world around us. The process of understanding the meaning of things through understanding the meaning of things in context takes place in part through our use of written, gestural, spoken, or drawn representation. The making of meaning in understanding the objects and their specific cultural context (Sturken).

What does this mean?

Tesla Motors utilizes advertisements to create meaning about the world we are currently living in. Tesla Motors' core is all about innovation through the transition to a sustainable energy source through the transition to electric vehicles.

Why is this relevant?  

There are about one billion cars in the world as of right now, on average a car's gas tank, can hold 20 gallons. One billion cars times 20 gallons times 20 pounds of carbon dioxide is the amount of carbon dioxide put into the atmosphere regularly. The exponential increase of greenhouse gases over the last seven decades like carbon dioxide and methane reflecting solar waves towards the surface of the Earth resulting in catastrophic, irreversible disasters to the Earth’s biosphere. The environment is crying out for help due to global warming caused by the greenhouse effect. The warming of the surface of the Earth has led to the melting of the ice caps that are resulting in rippling effects to ecosystems, climate, and progressed occurrences of natural disasters that affect the livelihood of Earth’s residents (Schulter, 2019). 

Image result for tesla ads

So, what does Tesla Motors' representation have to do with global warming?
Tesla Motors represents themselves as the solution to global warming. The transition to electric vehicles will aid the livelihood of everyone who chooses to buy a Tesla electric vehicle.  
The way Tesla Motors represents itself in its advertisements creates meaning because the audience is able to understand the context of the advertisement. In the YouTube video, above is called our only home, illustrates the importance of conserving our burning planet because it is the only home we know and adore. Tesla Motors represents themselves as a measure of conserving our livelihood by transitioning to electric vehicles. 

Schluter, Jan, and Weyer, Johannes. Car sharing as a means to raise acceptance of electric vehicles: An empirical study on regime change in automobility.  Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. ScienceDirect. vol 60. Published January 2019. p 185 – 2019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trf.2018.09.005
Sturken, Cartwright. The practice of Looking An Introduction to Visual Culture. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009. Book.

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