Spectatorship and the Gaze

The concepts of the gaze and spectatorship help consider is...

  1. the roles of the unconscious and desire in viewing practices 
  2. the role of looking in the formation of the human subject as such 
  3. the ways that looking is always a relational activity (Sturken).
How do spectatorship and the gaze relate to Teslas' advertisements?

The is a gaze is described as a field that consists of when an individual achieves a sense of themselves as an individual human subject; not only in their eyes but in the eyes of others and in the world of natural and cultural places, things, and technologies  (Sturken). Meaning that a person that looks at the advertisement below in a relational manner in a field of components of context by finding who they are in the advertisement. When looking at the advertisement below, a viewer is choosing to support or buy a conscious product that cares about conserving the biosphere. The viewer is conscious of the environments' urgency for help to transition to renewable energy to conserve the biosphere. Conscious viewers acknowledge their contribution to supporting or consuming Tesla Motor products by promoting the right side of the advertisement.
Image result for tesla ads

The single act of looking incorporates the audience to participate in the relational field of looking invoking the desire to contribute conservation of the planet Earth. 


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